This week, my excellent Perl Mongers group, led by the excellent Salve, has arranged an event we called the Moving to Moose Hackathon 2012. The purpose of this event was to promote the adoption of a MOP (Meta Object Protocol) in Perl development. To this effect, we had two groups, the Perl RDF community, looking to adopt moose in their modules, and Stevan Little and his merry gang of p5-mop developers, looking to create a proposal for a MOP in the Perl core itself, to replace the venerable blessed hash object model.
Unfortunately due to the arrival of baby Milla in June, I was unable to attend
the entire event, which started on saturday. Thus I missed the walk to Pulpit
Rock (did I mention the event was smack in the middle of the Norwegian
fjords?) Luckily I've been there before (see pic on the right :-). I arrived
early Tuesday morning by the night train. On the way there, I re-read the
proposal for the p5-mop.
Since I'm not a mad hatter scientist like
Yuval and
Jesse, and don't know the Moose MOP
that well, I concentrated my efforts on tooling and real world triage of the
prototype. For me, the most exciting idea of the proposal is adding first
class 'method', 'has' and 'class' keywords, so that you can declare Perl
classes like this:
class Cat (extends => Animals) {
has $claws;
method meow { ... }
Since I'm an avid TextMate fan (specially since the Open Source release this
fall), I started by extending the TM2 syntax to support these new keywords.
This means getting proper highlighting, as well as easy navigation in classes
and methods. You can find my fork of the official Perl syntax highlighter
I then started work on porting a few Mojo base classes to the new syntax.
Being one of the Mojolicious core
developers, I know these classes rather well, and they have the advantage of
being light on dependencies and optimized for easy porting to Perl6, as well
as having comprehensive test suites. This made them an ideal target for trying
out features of the prototype.
Of course I met some hardship underway. The biggest issue for me during the
port was the lack of BUILDARGS, a class method to massage the constructor
parameters into a hash, but all in all the experience was quite educational. I
also found some small points of improvement in the specifications during my
attempts, and submitted a simple doc patch.
Together with Jan Henning, I also looked into the feasibility of supporting
overloading in the new p5-mop classes, and Jan Henning ended up writing a
new meta class to support this. I believe this should be refactored into a meta role when
the mop has been updated with support for that.
In the period that I was there, the main p5-mop developers struggled quite a
bit with an issue in the dispatching that was giving bizarre errors and was
really hard to track down. Unfortunately, this slowed down development, as we
were unable to start using the new two-phase bootstrap code which would allow
us much easier development of the meta classes.
However, I was really excited about the discussions about the new 'meta'
keyword on the last night of the hackathon to allow meta definitions (and thus
class methods, and roles) in the class definitions themselves. I quite look
forward to the updated prototype, and hope to resume my port as soon as
BUILDARGS support has landed.
I think the crucial question now is if we can manage to maintain velocity in
the development of the p5-mop prototype after this hackathon. I truly hope we
can start seeing real world usage of it soon. This is the best way to figure
out gotchas and problems with the specification before it lands in the core.