As you might know, we run a software site for mac users, i use this. The site is free to use, and we finance it through the use of advertisement. Mostly we get advertisement from the Google ads program, as well as indie shareware developers, and on occasion promotional programs like Mac Heist.
I figure Apple Products would be a good fit for our users, so I was pleased when a quick Google Search turned up the Apple Store Associates Program.

On going to the 'Register' link, I noticed that they use the link share program, where we are already signed up as part of the iTunes Store program. However, using the linkshare site I was not able to locate the Apple Store Associates program. At this point I was a bit puzzled. I figured maybe I needed to sign up with a new account on linkshare, so I try that, is redirected to a newer signup form, and after registration, is just landed on the regular linkshare homepage. Still no sign of the associates program.
I figured I should try to contact them by mail. They list a contact email on the frontpage, but unfortunately it bounces:
The Symantec Brightmail Gateway program: host[] said: 550 5.1.1 unknown or illegal alias: [email protected] (in reply to RCPT TO command)
Now I am ready to give up. Anyone got a lead? Drop me a mail at [email protected].