Often, I need to write command line scripts that access my apps' data models. With Catalyst, one way to do this is to to load the actual application, like
use iusethis;
Then I can access my models like iusethis->model('DBIC::Person') . However, all I really need is to get the application configuration, and loading a big application is a lot of overhead. Just using Config::Any isn't a good solution tho, since it does not handle _local files properly, among other thing. However, with Config::JFDI there's a better way.
use Config::JFDI; my $jfdi = Config::JFDI->new(name => "iusethis"); my $config = $jfdi->get; my $schema = iusethis::Schema->connect( @{$config->{'Model::DBIC'}->{'connect_info'}}) or die "Failed to connect to database";